Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
Yu S, Huang TH, Wang D, Lynn B, Sayd D, Silivanov V, Park YS, Tian Y, Su H. Design and Control of a High-Torque and Highly-Backdrivable Hybrid Soft Exoskeleton for Knee Injury Prevention during Squatting . IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2019
Yang X, Huang TH, Hu H, Yu S, Zhang S, Yue G, Su H. Spine-Inspired Continuum Soft Exoskeleton for Stoop Lifting Assistance. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2019
- G. Li, N. Patel, E. Burdette, J. Pilitsis, H. Su, and G. S. Fischer, “A Fully-Actuated Robotic Assistant for MRI-Guided Precision Conformal Ablation of Brain Tumors,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2019
- Y. Chen, I. Godage, H. Su, Aiguo Song, Hong Yu, “Stereotactic Systems for MRI-guided Neurosurgeries: A State-of-the-art Review”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-19, 2018
J. Wang, X. Li, T. Huang, S. Yu, Y. Li, T. Chen, A. Carriero, M. Oh-Park, H. Su, “Comfort-Centered Design of a Lightweight and Backdrivable Knee Exoskeleton”,
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 4265-4272, Oct. 2018
Guo, M. C.W. Leong, H. Su, K. Kwok, “Techniques for Stereotactic Neurosurgery: Beyond the “Frame,” Towards the Intraoperative MRI-guided and Robot-assisted Approaches,” World Neurosurgery, vol. 116, pp. 77–87, 2018
F. Zaki, Y. Wang, H. Su, X. Yuan, and X. Liu, "Noise Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding for Speckle Noise Removal in Optical Coherence Tomography," Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 2720-2731, 2017.
H. Su, W. Shang, G. Li, and G.S. Fischer, “An MRI-Guided Telesurgery System Using a Fabry-Perot Interferometry Force Sensor and a Pneumatic Haptic Device”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2017.
H. Su, I. Iordorchita, J. Tokuda, N. Hata, X. Liu, R. Seifabadi, S. Xu, B. Wood, and G. S. Fischer, "Fiber Optic Force Sensors for MRI-Guided Surgical Interventions and Rehabilitation", IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017.
H. Su, G. Li, D. C. Rucker, R.J. Webster III, and G. S. Fischer. "A Concentric Tube Continuum Robot with Piezoelectric Actuation for MRI-Guided Closed-Loop Targeting," Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol.44, no.10, pp. 2863-732016.
H. Su*, G. Li*, G.A. Cole, W. Shang, J. Pilitsis, and G. S. Fischer, “Robotic System for MRI-Guided Stereotactic Neurosurgery,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 1077-1088, 2015 (*shared first authorship)
H. Su, W. Shang, G. Cole, G. Li, K. Harrington, A. Camilo, J. Tokuda, C. M. Tempany, N. Hata, G. S. Fischer, "Piezoelectrically-Actuated Robotic System for MRI-Guided Prostate Percutaneous Therapy,"
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics , vol.20, no.4, pp.1920-1932, 2015
- Y. Fu, H. Su, G. Duan, “Robust Guaranteed Cost Observer for Markovian Jumping Systems with State Delays”, Journal of System Simulation, vol.17, no. 10, pp. 2479-2482, 2005
- A. Mehendale, F. Sahin G. Cole, H. Su, V. Parthasarathy, "Virtually-oriented Electromagnetic Tracking Coil for Catheter based Navigation"
- G. Cole, H. Su, V. Parthasarathy, "A System for Enhancing Clinical Workflow in Navigation Bronchoscopy Procedures"
- H. Su, G. Cole, V. Parthasarathy, "Steerable Catheter with Articulated Revolute Joints"
- H. Su, G. Cole, V. Parthasarathy, "Handheld Catheter Driver with Endoscope Mount Utilizing Friction-Driven Wheel Mechanism"
- H. Su, G. Cole, V. Parthasarathy, "Rotatable Telescopic Stabilizer for Use of Catheter Inside an Endoscope"
- G.S. Fischer and H. Su, "System and Method for Under Actuated Control of Insertion Path for Asymmetric Tip Needles" and "Apparatus and Methods for MRI-Compatible Haptic Interfaces"
Book Chapters
H. Su and G. S. Fischer, "Sensors, Actuators, and Robots for MRI-Guided Surgery and Interventions”, eds. J. Desai, Encyclopedia of Medical Robotics, World Scientific Publishers, 2017.
H. Su and G. S. Fischer, "High-field MRI-Compatible Needle Placement Robots for Prostate Interventions: Pneumatic and Piezoelectric Approaches", eds. T. Gulrez and A. Hassanien, Advances in Robotics and Virtual Reality, Springer-Verlag, 2011.
- H. Huang, H. Su and, C. Ru, "Piezoelectric Driven Ultrasonic Cell Manipulator", eds. T. Sobh and X. Xiong, Prototyping of Robotic Systems: Applications of Design and Implementation, IGI Global, 2011.
- H. Huang, D. Sun, H. Su and J. Mills, "Force Sensing and Control of Robot-Assisted Cell Injection", eds. T. Gulrez and A. Hassanien, Advances in Robotics and Virtual Reality, Springer-Verlag, 2011.
G. Cole, K. Harrington, H. Su, A. Camilo, J. Pilitsis, G. S. Fischer, "Closed-Loop Actuated Surgical System Utilizing In-Situ Real-Time MRI Guidance", Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, eds. O. Khatib, V. Kumar, G. Sukhatme, Springer-Verlag, 2012.
Refereed Conference Publications
J, Yuen, K, Nogacz, Y. C. Chi, F. Ferdousi, S. Yu, T. Huang, G. Yue, H. Su, “The Oxeous Back-Support Exoskeleton: Soft, Active Suit to Reduce Spinal Loading”, Design of Medical Devices Conferences (DMD), Minneapolis, 2019.
S. Yu, H. Perez, J. Barkas, M. Mohamed, M. Eldaly,T. Huang, X. Yang, H. Su, “A Soft High Force Hand Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation and Assistance of Spinal Cord Injury and Stroke Individuals,” Design of Medical Devices Conferences (DMD), Minneapolis, 2019.
J. Yang, T. H. Huang, S. Yu, X. Yang, H. Su, A. M. Spungen, C. Y. Tsai, “Machine Learning Based Adaptive Gait Phase Estimation Using Inertial Measurement Sensors,” Design of Medical Devices Conferences (DMD), Minneapolis, 2019.
E. Pushaj, V. Singh, A. Shohatee, M. Babu, H. Su, T. Huang, “Soft Ankle Exoskeleton for Gait Assistance of Children with Cerebral Palsy in Home Settings,” Design of Medical Devices Conferences (DMD), Minneapolis, 2019.
S. M. Mahadeo, T. Huang, A. Zych, D. Sanakov, H. Su, “A Smart Cooling Vest for People with Thermoregulatory Disorder”, Design of Medical Devices Conferences (DMD), Minneapolis, 2019.
6. T. H. Huang, J. Yang, E. Pushaj, V. Silvanov, S. Yu, X. Yang, H. Su, S. H. Chang, G. Francisco, “Soft Physiology Sensors and Machine Learning to Enhance Spinal Cord Injury and Stroke Rehabilitation Outcomes in Home Settings,” Design of Medical Devices Conferences (DMD), Minneapolis, 2019.
Guo, S. Yu, Y. Li, T.H. Huang, J. Wang, B. Lynn, J. Fidock, C.L. Shen, D. Edwards, H. Su, “A Soft Robotic Exo-Sheath using Fabric EMG Sensing for Hand Rehabilitation and Assistance”, IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics, Livorno, Italy, 2018.
S. Yu, R. Duan, H. Cui, T. Huang, C. Feng, Y. Tian Z. Zhu, H. Su, “Interaction-Safe Humanoid Robot for Augmented Reality-Assisted Telemanipulation”, Waste Management Symposia, Phoenix, 2018.
Y. Li, S. Chang, G. Francisco, H. Su, “Interaction Force Modeling for Joint Misalignment Minimization Toward Bio-inspired Knee Exoskeleton Design”, Design of Medical Devices Conferences (DMD), Minneapolis, 2018.
R. Duan, S. Yu, G. Yue, R. Foulds, C. Feng, Y. Tian, H. Su, “Real-Time Robust 3D Plane Extraction for Wearable Robot Perception and Control”, Design of Medical Devices Conferences (DMD), Minneapolis, 2018.
H. Cui, S. Yu, X. Yan, S. Chang, G. Francisco, Q. Fu, H. Su, “A Modular Approach for Lightweight Humanoid Hand Design using High Torque Density Electric Actuators”, Design of Medical Devices Conferences (DMD), Minneapolis, 2018.
- K. Shang, X. Xu, H. Su, “Design and Evaluation of an Upper Extremity Wearable Robot with Payload Balancing for Human Augmentation,” International Wearable Robotics Symposium, 2017.
E. Park, J. Kang, H. Su, P. Stegall, S. Agrawal, E. Goldfield, C. J. Walsh, “Design and Preliminary Evaluation of a Multi-Robotic System with Pelvic and Hip Assistance for Pediatric Gait Rehabilitation”, International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), London, 2017.
- P. Malcolm, F. Panizzolo, J. Speeckaert, J. Kim, H. Su, G. Lee, I. Galiana, K.G. Holt, C.J. Walsh, “Effect of slope and speed on kinetics of jogging with a backpack,” in 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB), Boulder, CO, August 2017.
H. Su, Y. Ding, I. Galiana, J. Speeckaert, N. Karavas, P. Malcolm, C. Siviy, C. J. Walsh, “Evaluation of Force Tracking Controller with Soft Exosuit for Hip Extension Assistance”, The International Symposium on Wearable Robotics, Segovia, Spain, 2016.
- Z. Guo, T. Lun, Y. Chen, H. Su, D. Chan, K.W. Kwok, “Novel Design of an MR-Safe Pneumatic Stepper Motor for MRI-Guided Robotic Interventions”, Proceedings of The Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, London, 2016.
- E. Goldfield, E. Park, J. Kang, H. Su, P. Stegall, S. Agrawal, C. J. Walsh, “Multi-Robot Cyber-Physical System for Assisting Young Developmentally-Delayed Children in Learning to Walk,” NSF Cyber-Physical Systems Principal Investigators' Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, 2016.
- H. Su*, W. Shang*, G. Li, and G.S. Fischer, “Teleoperation System with Hybrid Pneumatic-Piezoelectric Actuation for MRI-Guided Needle Insertion with Haptic Feedback,” IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2013
- H. Su, D. Cardona, W. Shang, C. Rucker, R. Webster III and G. Fischer, “An MRI-Guided Concentric Tube Continuum Robot with Piezoelectric Actuation: A Feasibility Study,” IEEE ICRA International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Minnesota, USA, 2012 (Best Medical Robotics Paper Award, Runner-up)
- H. Su, W. Shang, A. Camilo, J. Tokuda, N. Hata, C. Tempany, and G. S. Fischer, “A networked modular hardware and software system for MRI-guided robotic prostate interventions,” SPIE Medical Imaging (Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling Conference), San Diego, USA, 2012
- G. S. Fischer, G.A. Cole, and H. Su, “Approaches to Controlling Motion in MRI,” International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Boston, USA, 2011 (Invited Paper)
Workshops and Conference Abstracts
S.Y. Yu, T.H. Huang, M. Zhang, S.N. Zhang, and H. Su, “A Quasi-Direct-Drive Knee Soft Exoskeleton for Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention” International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, Canada, 2019
K. Alonso, L. Baraldi, A. Chowdhury, S. Gaggenapally, S. Gonzalez, D. Tran, S.Y. Yu, X.L. Yang, and H. Su, “Untethered High Force Hydraulic Artificial Muscles for SoftWearable Robots” International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, Canada, 2019
X.L. Yang, T.H. Huang, H. Hu, S.Y. Yu, S.N. Zhang, V. Rodrigues, and H. Su, “A Spine-Inspired Soft Exoskeleton for Lifting Assistance” IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), Seoul, Korea, 2019
J.F. Yang, T.H. Huang, A. Kashyap, S.Y Yu, X.J. Sun, and H. Su, “Fabric EMG Sensors for Monitoring and Spasticity Detection of Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury and Stroke” IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), Seoul, Korea, 2019
S.Y. Yu, T.H. Huang, M. Zhang, S.N. Zhang, and H. Su, “A Quasi-Direct-Drive Knee Exoskeleton for Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention” IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), Seoul, Korea, 2019
Y.J. Li, S.Y. Yu, T.H. Huang, J.L. Wang, X. Li, and H. Su, “A Quasi-Direct-Drive Cable Actuation System for Interaction-Safe Knee Exoskeleton Design” Dynamic Walking, Florida, USA, 2018
S.Y. Yu, X.L. Yang, T.H. Huang, S.N. Zhang, H. Hu, S. Guguloth, and H. Su, “Lightweight and High Torque Hybrid Soft Exoskeletons for Walking and Squatting Assistance” Dynamic Walking, Alberta, Canada, 2019